AEQUIMAJan 2Summary of 2023 and happy 2024!We say goodbye to the year with this summary of Aequima's publications in 2023 and welcome 2024. Best wishes for everyone!
AEQUIMAMay 2, 2022Aequima The Aequima Equestrian Club offers classes, livery and other services and activities, such as theme parties, dressage competitions,...
AEQUIMADec 17, 2021Video: AEQUIMA wishes you Merry Christmas !!We want to share a little bit about us and wish you a Merry Christmas !! Thank you for being part of our history.
AEQUIMADec 10, 2021Merry Christmas!"As in the gaze of a child. In the eyes of the horse the truth takes refuge." Gabriel Olivero May we all have that look this year. May...
AEQUIMAApr 3, 2021First Future, our first foal of 2021.First Future. Future Cup (Fidertanz) X Gwenda (Rubin Royal).